discussing the work at Leeds ( way back)

I was in Leeds again this week. It’s always nice to visit and I do get a wee bit nostalgic for places and times passed. I worked at Leeds 2001-8. One of the things we did back then was to develop institutional services for blogging, podcasting and wiki-ing. I called it ‘LeedsFeeds’. We also had LU-Tube.

It got written up by JISC:

“Promoting blogs, wikis and other RSS enabled applications such as podcasting and news feeds has been part of the Staff and Departmental Development Unit’s support for
the ongoing development of staff information literacy skills.

Web 2.0 can be defined as a set of technologies that allow easy content sharing on the web and that enable social software, ie. Software that supports group processes. Social software includes blogs, wikis, content sharing systems (such as Flickr and YouTube), social bookmarking systems (such as del.icio.us), and content syndication systems. While the first systems that can be classed as Web 2.0 or social software appeared more than a decade ago, during the last three years there has been a strong growth in the number of available social software systems, and in their use. With the rise in use, there are a number of concerns relating to creation, ownership and preservation of the content. Some of these are discussed below.” 

Institutional practice Briefing paper on Web 2 (2007) (researchgate.net)