Failure is all the rage amongst the ladies of my acquaintance. How much of a failure can you be today? this week? Is it time for a wee sit down now? Yes. You deserve it. (1) (2)
I work in a place where people often make declarations about innovation and ‘creating an environment where it is safe to fail’.
I sometimes wonder what that means. What would a workplace in which it is safe to fail look like?
Would it look like a bunch of people being a bit crap at their jobs and experiencing no consequence as a result? No! it would look like a place where there was visible sign of recognition that when we learn from our failures we move forward as a result.
It would look like a place that hosts a ‘Fail-a-thon’.
When we start a project, we have a plan or idea how the project will pan out, what the outcomes will be, and the benefits of what is delivered. For various reasons however, things do not always go to plan and we should learn from those experiences. What and why did something go wrong and with reflection what could have been done differently? One platform to learn from each other is a Failathon. The ISG Innovation programme will hold a Failathon on Wednesday 28th June 2017 between 14:00 – 16:00.
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise person learns from the mistakes of others”
Our Failathon is an opportunity for learning from each other’s failures outside formal routes. We’re running with the title “Beyond Failure”, sharing personal experiences of failures and setbacks in a supportive atmosphere. The session will focus on what we can do to improve as a community, working in small groups to develop prioritised agendas for change in how we use and create evidence.
This event is open to any Innovation project managers who are willing to share their experience of a project that has not gone as expected or planned. If you aren’t prepared to share your ‘fail’, you don’t get in. Share your experiences of when things don’t go so well.
You don’t need to do any special preparation, but you do need to be prepared to talk about your own mistakes, and respect the confidentiality of the session. This event will be held under the Chatham House Rule and hosted by ISG Director, Kevin Ashley.
Book your place now.