Actually, I didn’t dream it. I was there to present to Academic Senate. Senate means ‘old men’, in case you didn’t know. It’s from the Latin.
Our Senate at Edinburgh University is actually fairly mixed, and the room was packed for a discussion about ‘The Future of Distance Learning’, and that is my bag.
St Cecilia’s Hall was looking lovely. Much better than the first time I visited.
I have to say though, the AV technology brought in for the event, while lovely, and useful, kinda spoiled the point of the venue. St Cecilia’s is famous for its age and its accoustics. It is set out with amphitheatre steps to sit on around the sides like those Latin-speaking senators might have done in ancient times. I think we should have spoken from the performance area without ppt slides* and been our own projectors.

In case you are wondering , University of Edinburgh currently has about 2,920 distance learning students studying via online programmes at Masters level. We have 65 programmes – (with about 100 permutations).
In terms of cohort size, 7 out of top 10 are CMVM programmes. Surgical Sciences peaked in 2014/15 (155) and has returned to its previous steady state level (105). Yes, we do teach surgery online. Most other programmes teach fewer than 35 students per year.
For the demographic fans amongst you we have 62% women studying online masters compared with 57% of all masters students. Our online students are also older than our on-campus ones. 88% are over 25. We have students from 134 countries studying online. 60% reside outside the UK; but that is not very different from the domicile of our on campus students. The top 6 countries are all English speaking ( Scotland, England USA, Australia, Canada, Ireland) and account for 59% of students
A significant difference in the student mix is that there are few Chinese online students, whereas they account for 21% of campus based PGT students. Our MOOC learners come from all over the world… but despite there being 2million of them, only 80 apply for online masters.
Only 1.4 % of our online learners are our alumni.
Alumnus is also Latin, it means ‘foster-son or pupil’. Alumna is for women.
*I had lovely slides designed by Yujia in a colour scheme to match the venue as you can see.