lockdown skills

Lovely illustrations by the LTW interactive Content Team

In lockdown 6,100 people at University of Edinburgh have viewed 51,000 courses on LinkedIn Learning to update their digital skills.

The skills training teams at University of Edinburgh are a pretty impressive bunch.  In the last 6 months they have:

  • They trained almost 3000 staff how to use the learning technologies required for hybrid teaching, including 650 staff who went through the 7 week experiential staff develop programme “An Edinburgh Model for Online Teaching
  • Developed and delivered a Digital Manager module as part of the University-wide Edinburgh Manager programme exploring the digital landscape, digital transformation, links to key University strategies and highlighting to managers the importance of developing their and their team member’s digital capabilities.  This has been a long struggle to get colleagues in HR to see why this would even be needed, so well done to the digital skills team!
  • They magicked up from nowhere a whole programme of training for CoVid testers at 2 days notice and 260 people got trained so that 1,000 students could be tested on the first day.
  • Delivered a  Digital Skills Programme of live webinars for semester 1 including over 300 sessions to 2,500 attendees.
  • Added many new courses and resources to the programme this semester, including the MS Teams webinar which has been attended by over 500 staff and students.
  • Worked with a student interns to convert  and co-create two Python  training courses (Introduction to Python & Python for Data Science) to Media Hopper videos which were captioned, set-up in self-enrol Learn courses and made available as OERs.
  • With the the Academic Support Librarians they delivered start of term presentations and videos to inform new students about ISG’s essential  services.
  • They updated and expanded our Digital Skills Framework which now includes 700 resources that you can use to develop your digital skills.
  • They  created the openly licensed  OER Digital Citizenship Guide, developed a Digital Safety module for the Preparing for Study course for students and launched a new training session on Digital Safety and Citizenship.
  • They supported  84 University of Edinburgh staff to completethe Developing Your Data Skills Programme that ran from Sept 2019 – July 2020. This year there are 207 active participants and we are on target for 300 across the academic year.

And even within LTW we have been updating our own skills. Under the watchful eye of our Head of Operations 122 LTW staff, students and contractors have successfully completed mandatory training in ‘Equality and Diversity Essentials’, ‘Information Security Essentials’, ‘Data Protection’, ‘Understanding Annual Review’ and ‘Anti-Bribery and Corruption‘, and mostly updated our annual leave quotas in People and Money.

On Friday we are going to learn how to make a 3D paper star, Gingerbread cocktails and florentines.



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