Follow these simple steps to set up your new blog on
1. Go to the homepage.
2. Click on the Create a blog button. You will be asked to register for your own blogging site.
3. Click Next. This will give you a list of existing blogs you’ve already created (if any). Underneath this list is a form that will allow you to create a new blog. Fill in the fields as follows.
3. Blog Address – This is the URL or web address for your blog. Your blog address will start followed by what ever name you choose after the / Keep the address short, memorable and without capital letters or symbol, e.g. Note Once you choose your blog address you can not change it. If you want a new address, you’ll need to set up a new blog. All the other fields below can be changed as often as you like.
4. Blog Title – this is the title that will appear in your blog’s banner once it is created.
5. Blog Description – this is the sub-title that appears under your blog’s banner.
7. Make sure you read the Terms and Conditions of Use and check the box underneath, once you have.
8. Pick a Template for your new site – there is only one template currently available, more will be available in the future.
9. Once you are happy, click on the Create Blog button. It should only take a few seconds to create your new blog.
10. Your new blog is set to Private by default. Only you can see it. To chance the privacy settings go to Site Admin > Settings > Reading and choose your preferred option under the Site Visibility heading. You can also set privacy permissions for individual blog posts.
(Playfair Architectural Drawings, CC BY, University of Edinburgh,