From ALD17

ALD17 Photos

Flickr [CC BY-SA]

There are 20+ high-resolution photos capturing the guest speakers from the morning and the afternoon STEAM activities. All images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



The Interactive Content team has posted a number of exclusive images on their Instagram account. Tap on any of the hashtags in this post to see similar photos from around the world!


Ewan McAndrew, The University of Edinburgh’s Wikimedian in Residence, has kindly curated a selection of Tweets from the day into the following Storify stream.

ALD 2017 – Save The Date

It’s less than 5 months until Ada Lovelace Day 2017, which is happening on Tuesday 10th October this year.

Be sure to put it in your calendar now, full details about the University’s plans will be announced nearer the time.

If you have any comments on our 2 previous events, or suggestions for this year please get in touch via the comments section below. Alternatively feel free to email me directly.

Find out more on the official Ada Lovelace Day website –