Below are women computing scientists who have worked or studied at the University of Edinburgh that we have identified for our Wikipedia Edit-a-thon. They either have a minimal presence or no page at all on Wikipedia. This not an exhaustive list of names of resources though, so you may wish to do further research in advance of the event, or identify another woman computing scientist that you would like to write about.
Professor Johanna Moore – currently Head of the School of Informatics
Dr Barbara Webb – Artificial Intelligence, 1993
Dr Nicole Schweikardt – Post-Doc 2002 – 2003
Dr Judy Robertson BSc Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science 1997, PhD 2001
Dr Martha Palmer PhD Artificial Intelligence 1985
Dr Judy Delin, PhD Cognitive Science
Professor Lesley Stirling, PhD 1989
Professor Fairouz Kamareddine, PhD 1989
Kim Binsted -Artificial Intelligence PhD (1996)
HI-SEAS, for Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation. Principal investigator
Judith Good – MSc 1993, AI PhD 1999
Reader in the Department of Informatics, University of Sussex. Director of the Interactive Systems Research Group, and of the Human Centred Technology Lab.
Professor Philippa Gardner (PhD 1992, Edinburgh)
Professor at Imperial College, London.
Professor Jane Hillston (FRSE, Prof, Univ Edinburgh)
Professor Mirella Lapata (Prof, Univ Edinburgh)