Hi all,
Just a gentle reminder that Ada Lovelace Day 2016 will be coming up on Tuesday 11th October 2016 and we will be looking to reconvene a working group to prepare for an Ada Lovelace day of events; incorporating a Wikipedia editathon celebrating the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
The focus might shift a little this year to female mentors given that Mary Somerville is to grace the £10 note this year so with an extra focus on women in maths too.
If you were part of the working group last year then we’d love to get the group reconvened and if anyone who wasn’t involved last year would like to be this year then we’d love to hear your ideas too; hopefully building (geddit?) on the success of the Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage Lego and Raspberry Pi covers from last year. Similarly, if you know of someone who would like to be involved then please feel free to forward on the event details and let them know I’d love to hear from them.
I’ve created the Wikipedia event page accordingly so that we can populate it over the next few months with some notable women in STEM.
Other projects are in development too. If you would like to be involved in them then email me.
Many thanks,