Jupyter Community Workshop Proposal for Digital Humanities

Title: Oh! the Humanities: An introduction to the digital humanities with Jupyter notebooks” 


The University of Edinburgh (UoE) is looking to host a Jupyter Community Workshop focused on the uses of notebooks for teaching within the field of digital humanities. The core component of this event will be a 2-day workshop to create notebooks with pre-configured text mining dashboards that will allow non-expert users to analysis and data visualizations of large text files without prior programming knowledge. By initially hiding the underlying code used to create these dashboards this will remove the ‘fear’ barrier whilst still allowing users to explore further by revealing the code at a later date. These notebooks will then be released under an open license for use within the wider Jupyter and digital humanities communities.


Additional Events

Alongside this, we will be running introductory workshops into using Jupyter notebooks within teaching, specifically for non-computational or non-expert audiences. Some of these workshops would focus more on the myriad of uses for notebooks within digital humanities. We are also looking to leverage existing contact with local schools to firstly highlight other uses for programming that are not normally promoted as well as highlighting the use of Jupyter notebooks as a teaching tool.


  • To create pre-configured dashboard notebooks to allow non-expert users to leverage text mining capabilities.
  • Increase the profile of Jupyter notebooks within the local community for use in teaching and digital humanities
  • Gain specific user feedback for recommended or requested Jupyter features that would be of particular interest to a digital humanities audience for future work.



The audience for the workshop events will largely be academic colleagues based within digital humanities as well as non-expert HE users who are looking to employ computational methods into their teaching. These events will also include pupils and teaching staff from local high schools who have already shown interest and involvement with our current work with Jupyter notebooks in a teaching context.


Be Involved

We are currently looking for expressions of interest from Jupyter community members, especially core contributors to Jupyter. This event, if selected, will be held in mid-late May 2019. Give the following brief a once-over, if you would like to add your name to this or be involved then please use the Google Form to express your interest in joining us for an amazing event!

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