Jupyter Literature

Lately, I’ve been looking into the uses of Jupyter notebooks within a teaching context and I’ve noticed something of a lack of literature. There are articles looking into the other uses of notebooks (collaborative and reproducible research) but little in the way of articles about the introduction or use of them within teaching. There has been a growing movement to introduce Jupyter notebooks within teaching especially in higher education institutions but, at the moment, the ‘noise’ about them seems mainly confined to those circles. I’m not saying that this is bad as the community built around Jupyter notebooks is amazing but the lack in literature makes it difficult to get outsiders on board, specifically IT departments who could be helping to build the infrastructure to support notebook use in their institutions.

If we can address the gap then it will be easier to get new people involved and also get buy in from institutions as a whole and help embed notebooks into teaching (providing we can prove that there is a benefit) Hhmmmm…. seems like the scope of this project may have just expanded.

I’ll keep this blog updated with any findings as we go along, feel free to chip in if you have any experiences or knowledge of using Jupyter notebooks for teaching.

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