As part of the second call for proposals for Jupyter community workshop events, the University of Edinburgh is offering two brilliant options (yes I am slightly biased).

We are currently looking for expressions of interest from Jupyter community members, especially core contributors to Jupyter. We are looking to host either of these events, if selected, in mid-late May 2019. Give the following brief a once-over, if you would like to add your name to this or be involved then please use the Google Forms at the bottom of each article to express your interest in joining us for an amazing event!

If you can’t make the event but have any insight then please leave a comment on the articles, feel free to shout about this from a soapbox on social media (soapbox not provided).

Use the links below to find out more about each proposal:

Oh! the Humanities: An introduction to the digital humanities with Jupyter notebooks

Work with colleagues to create pre-configured text mining dashboards that will allow non-expert users to complete textual analysis and create data visualizations of large text files without prior programming knowledge. In addition to this, we will be looking to run wider community workshops to introduce  Jupyter notebooks for use in Digital Humanities.

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Jupyter Community Workshop Proposal – nbgrader and Jupyter in Teaching

A chance to get together for a targeted code sprint/hackathon focusing on improvements and fixes for nbgrader. Alongside this, there will be many workshops to introduce Jupyter as a teaching platform as well as nbgrader as a complimentary assessment tool.

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